Content Aware Resize 3rd year - 1st semester Project

First of all, praise Allah that we accomplished this project in just 5 days.
This project is as its title describe "CONTENT AWARE RESIZE", as you see the application function is to resize an image, but keeps on the most common objects in it as possible as the new dimensions would be, 
depending on the image energy ,it would be clear in the sample above.
for more details see this

I'm waiting your feedback....

Project Group Members:
Amr Hamed Abd El Haleem
Shady Ali Shaban
Sherif Ashraf
Tareq Mansour
Yasser Ebraheem

Remark: Special thanks to Sherif Ashraf 

I'll explain how to use it later, sorry.

before downloading, you should have .net framework installed on your system.
Click Here

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